Commemorating the centenary of Anzac and the involvement of Rushworth and district in World War 1.

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The Story Behind Anzac Tales

I have always had a strong interest in the history of the Rushworth area. Living in the town from 2009-2017, a subject that was of great interest to me was the impact of the First World War on the town and district.

In conjunction with the local community newspaper, the Waranga News, it was decided that there would be a series of regular articles in the paper, called Anzac Tales. Over the years when the centenary of the Great War was being commemorated, the column would run as a tribute to all those men and women who served, as well as the communities they left behind.

The stories ran in roughly chronological order, covering the years from 1914-1918. They were meant to be interesting and informative and give the locals a better understanding of the enormous impact that the war had on the town and district. Although the stories followed the events that took place over those years, it is the personal stories that really shine through.

I have been staggered at how much information is now available to researchers. Anzac Tales is really just the tip of a very large iceberg. It has been much easier to collect information now than it was 15-20 years ago, when I was writing a book about Tatura and the Great War (Our Heroes - Tatura's World War 1 Roll of Honour, published in 2003).

There are some lists of names that I prepared when I was working on this project that are available on the Rushworth Cemetery website. Anyone who is searching for basic information about the local men and women who enlisted could look there as a starting point.

I would like to sincerely thank the Waranga News for providing the space on page 4 every fortnight, editing and formatting, and encouraging my efforts. To anyone who has supplied information for inclusion in the stories, or given feedback, I am most appreciative.

Tony Ford
1/47 Race Street, Flora Hill.
Victoria 3550